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Source Data set: Guide for EF compliant data sets (en)
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Short name Guide for EF compliant data sets
Class name : Hierarchy level
  • ILCD: Compliance systems
Source citation European Commission, PEFCR Guidance document, -Guidance for the development of Product Environmental Footprint Category Rules (PEFCRs), version 6.3, December 2017.
Publication type Monograph
Source description or comment This document provides instructions on how to develop a Product Environmental Footprint Category Rules (PEFCR). The content of this PEFCR Guidance will be periodically revised by European Commission service. Any derogation from this general rule needs agreement of the Commission.
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Time stamp (last saved) 2020-05-13T09:13:56.000
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UUID e2ecfeb8-078c-4cee-9885-7135d35e4f10
Data set version 00.00.000